maandag 22 oktober 2012

Plans Zuid As. Logic City?

In the video, the communicator of the Dienst Zuid-As is explaining where the Zuid-As starts. On the Maquette, you see the white towers that are not realised yet, but planned. Even now we have learned that building on the tunnel is no longer possible, the plans for the tunnel etcetera are still being continued. We do not consider this very 'Logic City'. 
The video is taken from

zondag 21 oktober 2012


Times are changing; Design long-term
·         The world is changing over time. So is landscape, economics, way of working etc.
·         Don’t design with an expiring date in mind > sustainability
o   The solution lies in what works now and still works in 40 years.
o   If the space is not used as a office anymore, can it still be used as a school or residential building?
§  Everything is connected, therefore multifunctional spaces are the key

Think local
·         Increase local social economics
o   Local materials
o   Local collaboration
·         The spatial environment as a client
o   They have to work and live there, when they are not happy, it is not a good design.
o   We can educate the client our knowledge. (Why would the client disagree with the architect)

Green is essential
  • Green = Happiness > Happiness = Prosperity
  • Spending free time in the neighborhood > stimulates locally
  • Green improves health, well-being and quality of life
    • Reduction of stress
    • Retrieve concentration
      • Fresh air clears the mind
    • Positive social contacts
    • Promoting physical activity
    • Enhancing quality of life
  • Most people want to live in green environment
    • makes the place luxorious
      • More expensive to live but prevent it for become a disadvances neighborhood

Change strategies
·          Don’t make it hold you back, but use it to make the best decisions
·         Think it all out before start building
o   Make small parts independent
§  If there is one mistake, it doesn’t make a chain reaction of thinks that don’t work anymore
·         Don’t allow ‘bullies’ to spoil all the fun
o   Make things hard to break down
o   Don’t be afraid of loiterers

zaterdag 20 oktober 2012


“Let’s start an affair with our time”

·     Think long-term

·     Act local

·     Green = happiness > Happiness = prosperity

·     Don’t allow bullies to spoil all the fun

For more: Got to


Welcome to our Blog,

We are students from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, department Architectural Design. For an assignment we started to investigate the Zuidas and its problems, and we discovered that there where a lot of things going wrong. The designing decisions are made with the wrong intentions, and the place will fall apart when we will continue designing like this.

To explain where the focus points should be when you are designing for a city (The users) we wrote an ideoligy. With this in mind we start now a movement: The Logic City Movement! 

We are very enthusiastic about this and we hope to reach as much people as possible.

Stay in touch, share!

Aisha, Gintare and Anne